NFI Distribution Activities At Sherkole Woreda, Assosa Zone

NFI Distribution Activities At Sherkole Woreda, Assosa Zone

ANE, along UNHCR and DRMC, has successfully managed the distribution of Core Relief Items (CRIs) funded by UNHCR for the total of 597 Vulnerable IDP Households(4062 Individuals) temporarily sheltering in Sherkole Woreda, 90kms away from Assosa Town. This NFI distribution program covers three IDP Sites namely known as Amorma with 358 IDP HHs and 2611 Individuals, Teyiba with 161 HHs and 993 Individuals and Sherkole High School with 78 HHs and 456 Individuals.

The CRI Distribution Package for each selected IDP Households has mainly constituted Blankets, Sleeping Mats, Solar Lamp, Jerrycans 20L, Plastic Sheets and Mosquito Nets.

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